Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Now that I finally have my blog up and running, I just thought the first thing I should do is express how i feel bout LIFE, just so ya'll can know where I'm at...

I think LIFE is what u make of it. Many people walk around with with bad attitudes about their country, towns, cities and all that, but I honestly think that"s the CHOICE that they make.

The funny thing is, you complaining about it is not gonna make it any better, TRUST ME, the decision is yours to make, will I get outta bed and sulk through my day, or will I actually stick a smile on to my face and influence others?

Thats the beauty of LIFE, the fact that we are free to make decisions, and with all the free decision making power I have, I have chosen to help others on their journey in life, not that I'm an expert, but just for us to get together and say "hey, we're not perfect, but we can help each other out wherever we can"
So there you have it...LIFE is truly AWESOME, so and we are products of its AWESOMNESS!